Erin Kerry

Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Coach

Find Your Balance, Embrace Your Wellness, Discover Your Joy

Hi, I’m Erin, your advocate for a life of integrated wholeness. My passion for holistic health comes from decades of pain. As a survivor of PTSD, depression, and bipolar disorder, I struggled for years, never realizing that my chronic physical symptoms told a bigger story about underlying imbalances. I didn’t know that my mental health was connected to my physical health, and I didn’t believe my spiritual health played a role in my mental chaos. They told me that I’d always struggle, but they were wrong. After addressing the root triggers that caused me much mental instability early in my life, I now live free from the chronic symptoms that plagued me.

Erin on CBS

what makes erin Different


Integration of mind, body, and spirit


Nourish your body and nurture your mind to transform your life


Sparking wholeness, one wellness journey at a time


Empowering you with a functional medicine approach

What People are Saying


READY For Whole Body Health?

As an applied functional medicine practitioner and survivor of mental illness, I care about getting to the root of your mental health symptoms. Whether you’re looking for new tools in the mental wellness toolbox, restoring your relationship with food and body image, or needing a little kitchen therapy, I want to help you spark wholeness in your own life!

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